Prošle godine, maslinov svrdlaš napravio je u maslinicima Visa katastrofalnu štetu. Imajući u vidu da nema nikakvih novosti o zaštiti maslina, laburisti Visa zamolili su Nikolu Vuljanića , laburističkog zastupnika u EU parlamentu, da kontaktira Europsku organizaciju za zaštitu bilja i Europsku agenciju za sigurnost hrane o načinima zaštite od maslinovog svrdlaša.
Viški laburisti dobili su odgovor, a sve kao u nastavku ovog posta, koji će se dostaviti Udruzi maslinara i uljara otoka Visa.
Ono što fascinira je brzina reakcije i Nikole Vuljanić i europskih organizacija. Viški laburisti uputili su e-mail 18.02.2014., Nikola Vuljanić već 20.02.2014. odgovara laburistima Visa da je uputio e-mail europskim organizacijama, a već 24.02. 2014. laburisti su dobili odgovor Europske organizacije za zaštitu bilja. Sve u samo šest dana.
A kako to ide kod nas. Viški laburisti su 18.12.2013. uputili e-mail odgovornima u gradu Visu predlažući više standarde planiranja kod donošenja Prostornog plana Grada Visa, a to smo im morali dostaviti i u pismenom obliku, a do današnjeg dana nismo dobili nikakav odgovor.
Dear Mr.. .. Vuljanić,
We would advise the Croatian growers to address themselves to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Croatian Centre for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Institute for Plant Protection (HCPHS - Zavod za zastitu bilja ). The Institute has experts who work on this pest and who know which active substances can control Rhynchites cribripennis. The Ministry may consider a derogation and authorize an exceptional use of a product (eg registered for another use on olives) for a limited razdoblje necessary to control a serious danger to plant health. As far as we know, this has already happened, and the Ministry expanded the authorization of of one product to Rhynchites cribripennis.
For the benefit of the growers, it would be useful, if this is not already the case, that the plant protection experts and advisers are active in the IOBC-WPRS
(International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control - West Palaearctic Regional Section) Working Group on Integrated protection of olive crops . The group fosters exchange of knowledge and expertise on research, development and implementation of integrated and biological control strategies for olive pests and diseases, aiming to minimize the impacts of crop protection on the environment, increase sustainability and support the production of higher quality products. Main goal of the group is also to promote cooperation among scientists, advisors and other stakeholders working in this field.
Best regards,
Vlasta Zlof
Scientific Officer
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO / OEPP)
21 boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 PARIS
Tel: + 33 (0) 1 45 20 77 94